In this blog subject, I have learnt a lot about one specific field in narrative illustration—book illustration.
Book illustrators always collaborate with publishers and authors;
Different stories need different methods to paint, and before that illustrators need to decide what kind of audience their illustration has had;
Creating different culture-based characters should avoid stereotypes, we should search and understand their history and culture from their perspective.
For my professional practice page, I‘ve listed a lot of book illustrators, and choose Quentin Blake and Beatrice Blue to conduct further research. I‘ve collected some of their work and imitated their style to create these two.
The painting of the Material and progress page was based on “different methods of paint”, the two paintings were the different feelings that different drawing methods gave me.
The Moral and consideration were focused on equality and diversity, so I drew four people, each with four different skin colours. I give them the same clothes, didn’t draw the character's facial features and blurred the gender of the character.
For my possible professional position, If I want to become a book illustrator, I need to:
Keep improving my drawing skills (the object’s structure and the use of colour);
Read more articles and improve my writing;
Need better time management;
To learn more about other things and collect things that inspire me.
The Cube of Combination and Conclusion